Utilizing digital platforms to increase income and earn money online on the internet is a superior method of earning money with notable advantages such as:
Digital product
Increased traffic after 3 months
Journey to help you create sustainable income
“Perseverance and creative thinking are the path to creating income from building a personal brand platform.”
Starting with a website
Having a website with a personal brand is crucial and extremely important to start. A website is the best asset for promoting a personal brand.
Building an online marketing system
This is a crucial stage to promote the development of personal branding. It is the stage to help you promote the brand image to the world through various methods (SEO, Social networks: Facebook, Youtube, Tiktok, Instagram…, Paid advertising…)
Converting traffic into money
Traffic is proportional to income. When your Traffic is stable, your job is to maximize the Traffic to fill your pockets.
Main category
Using WordPress platform to simplify website design and efficiently generate income.
Content is king, this is still the truth of all current marketing business models. This is a category to share knowledge in building a content system.
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is an effective and sustainable way to make money over time.
Passive income can be earned with the Affiliate platform, and your income potential is unlimited, depending on your abilities and perseverance.
Answering questions related to the website, providing some useful information that you may be interested in.
We are a website that shares completely free knowledge about Digital Marketing with the aim of helping everyone to easily and effectively access digital knowledge resources.
The categories currently available on the website can include:
All content on the website is unique, with over 7 years of experience in the Digital field, we commit that all content provided to readers is from our own experience.
No, the knowledge I provide is based on practical experience with over 7 years of working in the field, so it may be accurate to me but not necessarily to you. You can see it as a reference document.
With over 7 years of experience in the field of Digital Marketing, Biiviet.com is a blog that shares knowledge on building a personal brand and making money through websites and social media. All the knowledge provided is free and based on real-life experiences.
General information
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